MGCC Update on COVID-19

Coronavirus / Covid-19 information

The health and wellbeing of our members is of paramount importance to the MGCCV Board.
We would like to reassure you that we are monitoring the situation closely, and following the advice provided by both the Commonwealth and State health departments. Because of the uncertainty surrounding whether and how far the virus may spread, we have adopted an appropriately conservative approach. Whilst not being alarmist, we must take the risk seriously.

The demographic of our Club includes many “older people” which is a category within the community at higher risk of contracting the virus. The risk for individuals in this group is even higher if the person has a pre-existing medical condition, particularly a respiratory condition or compromised immune system.
We ask all members who may be unwell, even with mild cold symptoms, to refrain from attending Club events and meetings. This is not only to protect other members but also yourselves, should you inadvertently be exposed to the virus while already ill.

The National Meeting.

Because of the risks attached, the Board with the Director of the National Meeting, has decided to cancel this year’s meeting. This decision was supported by the Presidents of the other centres.

Club meetings and events.   The Board has decided the April General Meeting will return to its original date of April 8th.  This meeting will however differ from other meetings because, to minimise infection, supper will not be served, and a raffle will not be conducted. To compensate members for this disappointment the normal fees collected at the door will be waived.

The Board will this week consider whether other scheduled events and meetings should proceed. We will communicate these decisions to you as soon as possible.

Personal protective actions to contain virus spread.  We are advised that the virus is most likely spread through:

  • close contact with an infectious person;
  • contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze; and
  • touching objects or surfaces (like doorknobs or tables) that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching your mouth or face

We encourage you to adopt the following practices to minimise the spread of the disease:

  • Regularly wash your hands thoroughly with soap under running water;
  • If you sneeze or cough, do so into a handkerchief, tissue or the crook of your arm; and
  • Avoid close contact with others such as touching through shaking hands, hugging or kissing greetings.

Further information.   For further information regarding Coronavirus and/or Governments advice, please visit: or call the Public Health Information Line on 1800 004 599.
We will continue to keep members up to date with any further information as it becomes available.

Take care and stay well.

Allan Fabry, President.