MG Racing 2021 Committee

The MG Racing 2020 AGM to form the 2021 season committee has been finalised.

In a positive for the series all 2020 committee members re-stood for election with Andrew Watson elected back onto the committee for his second stint. This signals another year of stability and continued focus on the current path for MG & Invited British Racing.

Paul Vernall will remain captain once again continuing on with treasurer Philip Chester once again elected in the treasurer role.  Other committee members include James Dodd, Darren Souter, Sean Herlihy, Keith Ondarchie and Andrew Watson for 2021.  Andrew Watson is a former captain and is the only change from 2020 but brings a lot of experience and history to help the growth of MG Racing in 2021.

Paul Vernall explained the committee are excited to continue on the foundations set so far, “over the last few seasons the core group of committee members have done a fantastic job at strengthening MG Racing and providing exciting events for us to participate in.  Phil and I have a strong working relationship that has benefited the category over recent years and we will continue for 2021 while Keith has done a great job with our Invited British family and Darren has helped rebuild our historic and classic field to be the strongest part of our grid so we are in a good place heading into 2021”.

The committee roles and responsibilities are below;

CaptainPaul Vernall
TreasurerPhilip Chester
Secretary & SRS LiaisonJames Dodd
Classic & Historic LiaisonDarren Souter
Pointscore / Modern LiaisonSean Herlihy
Invited British LiaisonKeith Ondarchie
PartnershipsAndrew Watson